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Stran: [1]
Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Červenec 02, 2012, 06:15:57 »
You don't need to build xfce 4.10 because it's pushed to mageia 2 core updates testing and when testing it's ready it will pushed to mageia 2 updates.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Červen 21, 2012, 21:51:32 »
When you are going to build new xfce 4.10 to mageia 2 ?.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Květen 12, 2012, 13:55:08 »
I get little bit different information about xfce mageia 2 will have official build of xfce 4.10 when it's released wally is building localy those xfce packages and when mga2 is released he is going to push them to backports.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Wibom and missing require
« kdy: Květen 11, 2012, 14:54:46 »
When mageia 2 is released can you build that gtk unico engine to mageia ? ,because they are not taken it to mageia yet,in mageia 2 gnome 3 apps with are totaly broken if there is no that engine because many of themes are using unico.

Grafická prostředí / Wibom and missing require
« kdy: Květen 11, 2012, 13:52:07 »
That was good :D and there is another problem with wibom gtk there is missing trash-cli package and i can't install it.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Květen 10, 2012, 08:55:20 »
Yeah i removed with rpm nodeps option that libxfceutil4 and xfburn and updated xfce and now it's working like a dream. :D

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Květen 08, 2012, 18:51:08 »
Is that ‎libxfce4util4 needed package with newest xfce ? here is depencies of that package,this may work if you rebuild those packages against libxfce4util6
- libxfprint0-4.6.1-5.mga1.i586
- task-xfce-2-7pts1.noarch
- xfbib-0.0.2-9.mga1.i586
- xfburn-0.4.3-4.mga1.i586
- xfprint-4.6.1-5.mga1.i586
and i tested that verbose mode but nothing new about it.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Květen 06, 2012, 17:27:57 »
I find out that your ‎libxfce4util6 is not supporting my language what is finnish (finland) so even if i get it working xfce will not going to work with my mother language and it will be in english language.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Květen 06, 2012, 15:19:44 »
Nope same conflicts with packages,i even try to remove/rebuild rpm database but nothing.

Grafická prostředí / Re:Xfce 4.10 pro Mageia 1 - jak na to
« kdy: Květen 06, 2012, 12:40:44 »
I uploaded file when i try to upgrade xfce with verbose mode.

Stran: [1]