Poslal: _dworkin
« kdy: Květen 24, 2012, 19:41:31 »Z toho co jsem pochopil, je invictus dobry pokud ma uzivatel sit chranenou vice pocitaci/firewally?/routry? tak invictus nejakym zpusobem zajisti, ze kdyz klekne jeden tak jeho funkci okamzite prebere jiny. Takze tuto nabidku staci jen ignorovat.
invictus firewall is a set of ucarp scripts using ct-sync.
ct-sync is a kernel module.
On a single computer it fails to find its brother...
what is « a normal user » ? If you mean you use a standalone home computer then you do not need invictus-firewall indeed.
none at all. invictus is a very enterprise-level feature: basically it lets you have routing / firewalling 'failover' between two boxes (so if one falls over, the routing / firewalling tasks are instantly and transparently shifted to the other box without any service interruption for your users). not at all useful on a single box