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Poslal: Peťoš
« kdy: Květen 13, 2012, 20:09:38 »

Please test this gtk-unico (see attach.)
Poslal: Peťoš
« kdy: Květen 11, 2012, 17:16:23 »

That was good :D and there is another problem with wibom gtk there is missing trash-cli package and i can't install it.
Workaround: fixed in 64bit repo, have to perform some investigations, why it was not builded on 32bit. Install this: http://petos.cz/rpm/mageia/1/x86_64/wibom-0.11.1-3pts1.noarch.rpm
But as I can see there is another version of wibom, 0.12.0, so it will be updated soon by this.

Will be fixed during few hours. Thanks.
Poslal: ozky
« kdy: Květen 11, 2012, 14:54:46 »

When mageia 2 is released can you build that gtk unico engine to mageia ? ,because they are not taken it to mageia yet,in mageia 2 gnome 3 apps with are totaly broken if there is no that engine because many of themes are using unico.
Poslal: ozky
« kdy: Květen 11, 2012, 13:52:07 »

That was good :D and there is another problem with wibom gtk there is missing trash-cli package and i can't install it.